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5 Tips to Help You Keep a Bright & Healthy Summer Smile

May 4, 2021

Filed under: Uncategorized — brushdental @ 8:18 pm
girl smiling after using healthy summer tips

It’s summertime! The warmer months call for leisurely days spent relaxing by the pool, hanging out with family and friends, and an abundance of outdoor activities.

It can be easy to get lost in all the excitement of vacation, but don’t neglect your teeth as a result. Maintaining healthy habits is essential to keeping your mouth as fresh and clean as possible. Here are five summer oral health tips to help you enjoy a bright summer smile.

Stay Hydrated

Keeping your body hydrated is crucial, especially when you’re spending lots of time out in the hot, summer sun. Not only can water quench your thirst, but it can also improve your oral, and overall, health.

Water washes away bacteria and food particles, which helps prevent plaque buildup and bad breath. It’s best to drink fluoridated tap water because fluoride strengthens your enamel, making your teeth more resistant to dental decay.

Protect Your Lips

Most people overlook protecting their lips from the sun, but they are just as susceptible to sunburns as other parts of the body. They require extra care because the skin is thinner and contains less melanin, making it vulnerable to sun damage and increasing the risk of oral and skin cancer. You can prevent sunburns by wearing a moisturizing lip balm with an SPF 30+ rating and reapplying every two hours.

Avoid Chewing Ice

Popsicles are a traditional summer treat. What better way to cool down in the hot weather than with a delicious snack? Unfortunately, eating ice can damage your oral health. It can cause cracked or chipped teeth and erode your enamel, which puts you at risk of tooth decay and can cause increased sensitivity to hot and cold temperatures.

Limit Your Sugar Intake

When you’re relaxing under the sun, it can be tempting to sip on a sweet drink or snack on ice cream or a popsicle. However, these delicious foods and treats are loaded with sugar, which means bad news for your teeth. Consuming excessive amounts of sugar can lead to dental decay, cavities, enamel erosion, and an increased risk of tooth sensitivity and gum disease. Reach for fresh fruits and vegetables instead, or if you must give in to your sweet tooth, try sugar-free alternatives.

Keep Up with Your Oral Hygiene

You may fall out of your usual routine once summer hits, but adapt to your new schedule and establish a new daily oral hygiene regimen. As the weather gets warmer, many people consume more sugary foods and drinks, which means it’s especially important to stay on top of your oral care during the sunny months. Brushing your teeth twice a day and flossing daily is essential to a strong and healthy grin.

Use these tips to keep your smile bright and radiant, and enjoy your summer knowing you’re helping your teeth look and feel their absolute best.

About the Practice

Brush Dental takes the time to get to know each patient and listen to any concerns, so you can have a positive experience that will leave you smiling after each visit. The team caters to patients of all ages, so the entire family can make sure their oral health is in good shape and vacation-ready. To schedule an appointment, visit our website or call (469) 747-0226.

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