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5 Ways to Prevent Dental Emergencies While Traveling on Vacation

June 14, 2021

Filed under: Uncategorized — brushdental @ 12:55 am
Women holding a map and smiling while visiting a foreign city

With the pandemic largely coming to an end, many people are now taking the time to make plans for summer vacation. But if you plan to make a trip, either by yourself or with the family, it’s crucial that you know how to prevent dental emergencies before you leave. After all, you don’t want your time off to be dampened or even outright cancelled because of a toothache, broken enamel, or oral infection. Here are five ways you can stay proactive this summer.

Brush and Floss Regularly

Tooth decay and gum disease can develop when you least expect it, so it’s best to stay on top of regular brushing and flossing throughout the day. Dentists recommend brushing at least twice a day with fluoridated toothpaste and flossing once a day, but it’s also encouraged to practice oral hygiene after meals to ensure no lingering food debris is present on or in between teeth. After all, this is the stuff that oral bacteria consumes to create plaque acids.

Never Use Your Teeth as a Tool

Teeth are not indestructible, despite being made from the hardest substance in the human body. They can easily chip, crack, and even completely fall out when being used for tasks that are meant for dedicated tools. For example, always use a bottle opener to open bottled beverages and never use teeth to open packages. Even nail biting can lead to damaged teeth, so find a healthier habit to replace it when you get stressed.

Stay Hydrated

Summer vacation means getting outside and spending time in warm weather, which means you’re more likely to become dehydrated. Dehydration causes dry mouth, a side effect that can actually accelerate plaque production. By staying hydrated, you can ensure your mouth does not become too dry and reduce your risk for tooth decay.

Be Safe While Swimming

Many people may not realize it, but injuries at the pool are actually very common during the summer months. It’s easy to chip or break a tooth on the ledge of a pool or slip and fall, leading to a severe oral injury. Make sure to establish clear rules if you plan on vacationing with children as they are far more likely to accidentally hurt themselves.

Schedule Checkups Before You Travel

Completing routine exams and cleanings gives you a chance to catch underlying dental problems before they have a chance to develop. For example, exams give dentists a chance to confirm the current state of your enamel and gum tissue, while cleanings work to remove harmful tartar deposits that cause cavities.

Of course, you can only confirm if no dental issues are present when you schedule an appointment. Get in touch with a dentist today to get the process started ahead of your next vacation!

About Brush Dental

Dr. Kuan and Dr. Lam make preventive dentistry a priority to reduce your risk of experiencing a dental emergency. However, they remain prepared to treat dental emergencies if they appear. Even if you feel nervous about dentistry, they provide sedation dentistry to help you feel at ease and get the dental attention you need. To schedule an appointment, you can contact them through their website.

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