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5 Bad Habits to Avoid with Dental Implants

February 9, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — brushdental @ 3:23 pm
person opening a bottle with their teeth

Missing teeth can make it difficult to feel confident in your smile, but this can also make it hard to eat and clean your teeth properly. Fortunately, dental implants can fill in the gaps. They make it easier to brush and floss and also give you back at least 80% of your bite power. This allows you to eat most foods and receive the nutrition you need to keep your smile healthy. As beneficial as they are, there are several bad habits that you should avoid to keep your restorations in good condition. Read on to learn about five bad habits that should be avoided to prevent damage to your dental implants.

Habit #1: Bad Oral Hygiene

Gum disease is an infection that often results from poor oral hygiene. Gingivitis, the first stage of gum disease, is easy to cure and even reverse. But, if it progresses into a more serious infection called periodontitis, this can lead to a range of issues, including tooth loss and dental implant failure.

Habit #2: Consuming Too Much Sugar

When we consume things that contain sugar, oral bacteria feed on it and release acids that attack our tooth enamel and make us more susceptible to decay. Though dental implants can’t get cavities, our natural teeth still can. If the decay gets bad enough, you may lose more teeth. The lack of stimulation in the jawbone can lead to erosion and implant failure.

Habit #3: Smoking or Chewing Tobacco

Those who smoke cigarettes are at least twice as likely to develop gum disease as nonsmokers. They are also 10 times as likely to develop oral cancer. Both of these conditions can lead to implant failure, so it’s important to cut them out. If you need help quitting, ask for support from loved ones as well as resources from your dentist, doctor, or therapist.

Habit #4: Biting Non-food Items

Some people chew on their nails or the tip of their pens and pencils out of boredom. Others chew on ice cubes or use their teeth to open a cool, refreshing drink on a particularly hot day. Though these things may seem harmless, they can actually lead to cracks or chips in both your implants and your natural teeth.

Habit #5: Skipping Dental Checkups

Many patients avoid going to the dentist until they have an oral health issue that needs treatment. ironically, this is the opposite of what you should do. Biannual visits to the dentist are a great way to prevent oral health issues. During these appointments, your hygienist will thoroughly clean your teeth to lessen your chances of decay and gum disease. Your dentist will then examine your mouth to see if there are any oral health issues present. By doing this, you can stay ahead of things and make sure nothing that can lead to implant failure arises.

Though there are several things that can damage your implants, avoiding them is key to making your new teeth last as long as possible. This will allow you to maintain a healthy, happy smile for years to come!

About the Practice

If you’re a resident of Royse City or one of the surrounding communities who is interested in replacing missing teeth and completing your smile, Brush Dental offers high-quality dental implants that can help. They provide your jaw with the stimulation it needs to remain healthy and can help you regain your confidence in your pearly whites. Visit Brush Dental’s website or call their office at (469) 723-4000 for more information on dental implants or to make an appointment.

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